Sunday, June 17, 2012

When Life Gives You A Bum Thumb...

It didn't look good after the fall, but we had no idea
how much worse it could get.
About a week ago, my mom was running late for work - literally running - when she tripped and fell on the concrete garage floor.  Unfortunately, her left thumb took the brunt of the impact.  So instead of  going to work, she ended up at the hospital.

The next day, x-rays confirmed it was broken.  My mom was especially upset because my older brother is getting married at the end of the month and she wasn't sure what she'd have to wear while it healed.

After it stopped swelling, she went back to the hospital to learn her fate...and it was bad.  We're talking a big ol' hitchhiker cast the color of creamy tomato soup bad.  Worst of all, she won't get it off until three days after the wedding.  Needless to say, there were tears.

Not a match...not even close.

You might be wondering why a grown woman would allow someone to put her in a bright red cast - so was the rest of my family.  Apparently there was some discussion about black, which was deemed too hot for summer and then someone suggested they try to match her dress, her beautiful, deep raspberry colored dress.  This attempt was woefully unsuccessful.

So what do you do when life gives you a bum thumb and a bright red hitchhiker cast 3 weeks before your son's wedding?  You make a cast cover.

The Prototype

This is where I come in.  You see, there aren't many options when it comes to cast covers.  So I made one myself.  I started with a plain purple fabric for everyday wear.  I plan to use a champagne chiffon for the wedding.  Here's how I did it:

The Verdict:

Two Thumbs Up from Mom!

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