Monday, June 4, 2012

Art of the Mind (not the hand)

My head pictured the next Mona Lisa; my hand did this.
I've always had a great appreciation for art, but I found out early on, it wasn't an area where I excelled.  No matter how hard I tried, my paper mache fish had one fin too small (that was before Nemo made it cool) and my cross-hatching looked like a pile of hay instead of the roof of a train.  For years I continued to suffer in silence.  I knew I had great ideas, but something always went wrong in the execution.

The Diagnosis

It wasn't until high school that I discovered my affliction had a name.  I had stayed late one day with a friend - both of us putting in extra hours on our latest works of art.  When I showed her my design and explained what I'd been going for, she told me it was a classic case of "Art of the Mind." And I wasn't alone - she had the same exact problem!  Now before any of you hypochondriacs head over to Web MD, let me clarify, this is not a condition recognized by modern medicine.  Sure, we made up the name, but it's still a very real problem. 

Don't Give Up, Get Crafty

Around this same time, I fell in love with scrapbooking.  I could take perfect pictures, add glitter glue, cut up some construction paper and arrange a page however I wanted.  Finally, a cure for my overflowing creativity!  But I didn't stop there.  Scrapbooking is kind of like a gateway craft.  You can get away with random household scraps for a page or two, but soon you'll want stickers and fancy scissors and special background papers.  My frequent trips to Michael's only piqued my curiosity.  I soon explored the yarn section and begged my mom - a bit of a crafter in her day - to teach me how to crochet.  Let's just say, there was a learning curve.
Tight Fit:  The first sock I ever crocheted.

I put my hook down for a couple of years, unsure if this was the right craft for me.  Luckily, I picked it back up towards the end of college and I've come a long way.

My nephew is my favorite new model.
My newest goal is to sell my crafts.  After all, one can only have so many scarves and hats.  I've gotten a lot of interest in the animal hats, but I think I'm going to start with spring scarves and see where it goes from there.  I plan to create an Etsy shop and post about my current projects.  I'm always open to suggestions and feedback, so please let me know what you think.

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