Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Crafts, Interrupted

Have you ever been really excited about a new project?  I’m talking really, really excited…so excited that you gathered up about two dozen old t-shirts, whipped out the scissors and went to work creating a mountain of fabric scraps.

Okay, it looked more mountainous before I folded all the scraps.

How will you reuse all of this fun fabric?  There are plenty of awesome ideas online.  You decide to start with pillow cases, because who doesn’t need extra pillow cases?  You carefully arrange the designs and start sewing.  You make exactly one half of one pillow case before it’s time for a weekend getaway with your girlfriends.

You tell yourself you’ll jump right back in when you return, but then it’s your birthday week and you’re busy celebrating with friends and family and eating cake…lots of cake!  Did I mention you get this awesome craft desk as a present?  You can’t wait to set it up.

Before you can tap back into your creative juices, you’re off again.  This time it’s a family vacation for almost a week.  You can’t very well pack a sewing machine, but you’ve gotten a few requests for crochet products and it’s the perfect time to make that puppy hat for your cousin’s baby.  It seems like a good idea, but you soon realize you’d prefer to use the furry yarn you left at home.  Might as well just relax and soak up the sun.

I may not have accomplished much with my crochet, but I did learn to paddle board!

Just a few of the pages I've finished so far.

You return home refreshed and ready to get crafting.  But when you think about the awesome few weeks you’ve  had – two vacations, a concert and lots of cake – you decide now is the time for scrapping.  So you load all your photos onto the computer and send them off to the printer.  You’re really excited to put all these memories down on paper.  Besides how long could it take to scrapbook a few (hundred) photos?

So many crafts, so little time

I’m guessing that by now you know I’m not really talking about “you.”  It’s been almost a month since my last post and this is the reason why.  I’ve started three new projects and finished none.  My creativity is seriously out of control and my crafts are suffering.  So maybe this isn’t your story, but you’ve probably dealt with a similar crafter’s conflict.  Sometimes life just gets in the way.  But I'm promising myself now that I'll tackle each one as I find time...I wouldn't want any of these awesome projects to end up in the bin!

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