Friday, August 31, 2012

Recycled Shower Curtain

BEFORE: old shower curtain           AFTER:  new throw pillow sham
For most people, Labor Day weekend symbolizes the end of summer.  Maybe you'll go to the beach one last time, have a cookout with friends or enjoy a good book as you sit by the pool.  I'll definitely be enjoying the nice weather this weekend, but I'll also be working on a new craft to help keep some of the colorful summer fun in my house year round.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

I love lots of things about the summer, especially the footwear.  When I got my first apartment, I decided to go with a flip flop theme for the bathroom.  Of course, some of the decor spilled over into my living room. So when I was figuring out how to decorate my couch throw pillows, I came up with a great idea.  You see, my original cloth shower curtain was more fashion than function.  It tended to hold on to water and continuously drip onto the floor.  I bought a new vinyl flip flop curtain and realized I could use the cloth flip flops for a new pillow sham.  Since an all white background would be kind of boring, I added a colorful polka dot border and backing.  I'm so glad I got to save some of the old curtain and I absolutely love the end product.  It's colorful, fun and totally me.  Now I just have to make three more! 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Puppy Love

Left to Right: Garbonzo, Shemp & Betsy
My cousin is a wonderful mom.  She raised these three beautiful dogs from pups.  Unfortunately, her beloved "Bonzo" passed away last year.  This year, she found out she is going to be a mom again.  Her first human baby is due to arrive at the beginning of winter.  I figured it might be a bit of an adjustment for Shemp and Besty, so I came up with a crafty solution to help the little guy or gal (that's right, they want to be surprised...don't you just hate that?) fit in with the rest of the pack.

The Perfect Hat for a New Pup
Sure, there are plenty of puppy hat patterns already available online, but I wanted to make mine special.  While this isn't specifically modeled after any of the three dogs, I chose a yarn color that most closely matched Garbonzo's beautiful fur.  I also wanted it to have eyes like Betsy and a big black nose to match Shemp.  I added the furry ears for fun!  I love how it came out...especially the detail in the eyes.  I used embroidery thread instead of yarn because it's hard to make anything but big, clusmy circles on such a small hat.  I think it really captured the beautiful shape and, what I always refer to as, her natural eyeliner.

My First Pattern
It was so easy to make and so cute, I decided to take the project a step further.  Here's my first attempt at a public pattern.  I hope you like it!

Perfect Puppy Hat Pattern by Ash 'N' Crafts

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Progress & Side Projects

A picture is worth a thousand words,
but a personalized frame helps to tell the story!
As promised, I spent my week focused on scrapbooking and I finished my pages for the past few weeks!  Of course, when you get a good rhythm going, scrapbooking can be even more addictive than usual.  Just as I was finishing up, I found myself dangerously close to ordering more photos.  The fact that I spent $50 at A.C. Moore this week - I swear I only went in for a few pieces of loose paper, but they were having a really good sale - did not help me fight the temptation to keep going.  But as I was searching my room for photos I had already printed, I came across an old calendar that simultaneously inspired a side project and ensured I'd be needing a long break from scrapbooking once I finished. 

It's Kind of a Funny Story

I suppose it depends on who you mom would disagree.  It was winter 2005 and I was a freshman at Boston University.  I was on the cheerleading team, which usually didn't mean much at a school so obsessed with hockey.  For some reason (ie: the hockey team was away), the basketball team got to play a rare double-header at the new arena.  My parents and their friends had come to watch, so in between games I met up with them at concessions.  Unlike most of my fellow cheerleaders, food was always a priority for me.  Just as we got to the concourse, there was an announcement that the Red Sox's 2004 World Series Trophy would be on display in between games.  This was news to me - awesome news!  Unfortunately, there was a long line, and I'm not the most patient person.  I didn't have my camera so I borrowed my mom's and attempted to sneak a picture of myself with the trophy, while they waited at the end of the line.  Of course, that got some negative attention quickly and a security guard told me to go wait my turn.  Instead, I put on most innocent voice and said, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to take a quick picture because I'm a cheerleader (as if that wasn't obvious from my uniform) and I have to go get ready for the next game." Then next thing I knew, the security guard was repeating was I had said to another security guard in a sympathetic voice.  And then they offered to take my picture next!  This was probably the only time I benefited from being a BU cheerleader, but what a time it was!  I got an awesome picture and I practically skipped back to my parents to drop off the camera.  When I saw them after the game, I found out that they had waited with their friends for more than an hour to see the trophy.  When they asked the guy to take their picture, the camera battery died!  Oh yeah...the security guard had told me the battery was low after he took my picture, but I was so excited (and the line was really long) that I forgot to mention it to my parents.  They weren't too happy.  But it's been 7 years, so they've probably forgiven me.

Back to Crafts

So when I came across this photo in an old calendar my mom had made for me, I decided it needed a proper display.  Any old frame just wouldn't do!  So I pulled out my box of miscellaneous scraps and a few BU alumni magazines and got to work.  I went to work organizing a collage on the frame.  Once you decoupage it, it looks amazing, but getting there is a bit of a battle.  After hours of cutting and rearranging my scraps I was ready to pull out my hair.  But once I saw the finished product, I was so excited and proud of myself for sticking with it.  I accomplished a lot this week.  No doubt I'll be showing off this picture for years to come.  But it'll be a while before I mess around with any more scraps!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Crafts, Interrupted

Have you ever been really excited about a new project?  I’m talking really, really excited…so excited that you gathered up about two dozen old t-shirts, whipped out the scissors and went to work creating a mountain of fabric scraps.

Okay, it looked more mountainous before I folded all the scraps.

How will you reuse all of this fun fabric?  There are plenty of awesome ideas online.  You decide to start with pillow cases, because who doesn’t need extra pillow cases?  You carefully arrange the designs and start sewing.  You make exactly one half of one pillow case before it’s time for a weekend getaway with your girlfriends.

You tell yourself you’ll jump right back in when you return, but then it’s your birthday week and you’re busy celebrating with friends and family and eating cake…lots of cake!  Did I mention you get this awesome craft desk as a present?  You can’t wait to set it up.

Before you can tap back into your creative juices, you’re off again.  This time it’s a family vacation for almost a week.  You can’t very well pack a sewing machine, but you’ve gotten a few requests for crochet products and it’s the perfect time to make that puppy hat for your cousin’s baby.  It seems like a good idea, but you soon realize you’d prefer to use the furry yarn you left at home.  Might as well just relax and soak up the sun.

I may not have accomplished much with my crochet, but I did learn to paddle board!

Just a few of the pages I've finished so far.

You return home refreshed and ready to get crafting.  But when you think about the awesome few weeks you’ve  had – two vacations, a concert and lots of cake – you decide now is the time for scrapping.  So you load all your photos onto the computer and send them off to the printer.  You’re really excited to put all these memories down on paper.  Besides how long could it take to scrapbook a few (hundred) photos?

So many crafts, so little time

I’m guessing that by now you know I’m not really talking about “you.”  It’s been almost a month since my last post and this is the reason why.  I’ve started three new projects and finished none.  My creativity is seriously out of control and my crafts are suffering.  So maybe this isn’t your story, but you’ve probably dealt with a similar crafter’s conflict.  Sometimes life just gets in the way.  But I'm promising myself now that I'll tackle each one as I find time...I wouldn't want any of these awesome projects to end up in the bin!